Partnering and collaboration with existing organisations and Non Profits to render Impactful, Relevant and Sustainable services to prevent and limit Social Injustice and Gender Inequality. Elizayo will achieve this by developing a blended service, to complement their existing service programs
Social Change Explosion by the Fusion of Social Justice, Gender Equality and Organisational Peformance
Our Approach
At Elizayo, we have an unapologetic Early Intervention and Prevention Focus. The scope of the presenting social problems in our Country are such that the majority of resources are expended in maintaining the status quo, with very little left for prevention. We are dedicated to providing early intervention and prevention services in partnership with exisitng organisations with a focus on creating sustainable solutions for the future.
Our Expertise
We are proud to be a team of experts committed to making a meaningful difference in the areas of diversion, gender equality, social injustice, restorative justice, high risk youth, and organizational development. Our core staff has a proven track record of success in these areas, and we are dedicated to using our expertise to create a positive impact.
At Elizayo, we believe that collaboration is key to creating lasting change. We work closely with a variety of partners, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies, to develop innovative solutions to social problems. Partnerships are not formed to simply strengthen our mutual organizations, but to strengthen our services to our mutual clients.
Social Enterprise
Non-profit organizations have historically encountered significant challenges in securing funding for their public benefit services. These challenges have escalated exponentially over the past decades, driven by the increased local and global demand for funding and donor fatigue. In response to this, Elizayo has developed alternative and reliable funding sources that allow us to maintain basic services even when funding is scarce. Our social enterprise model is founded on leveraging our internal skills and expertise, as well as securing external volunteer services, which supplement, rather than replace, traditional funding sources.